telah dipresentasikan dalam ICRD ke 3 di Balaikota Semarang
Dimas Hastama Nugraha1, Yudha Pracastino Heston1, Citra Widyasani Surya Putri1
Research and Development Agency, Ministry of Public Works and Housing
Yogyakarta, Republic of Indonesia
Petogogan Row Village is a DKI Jakarta government’s
program to revitalize slum area. This research was conducted to evaluate post
occupancy of Petogogan Row Village by using Product Quality theory by Garvin (1987),
namely 1) Performance, 2) Features, 3) Reliability, 4) Conformance, 5)
Durability, 6) Serviceability, 7) Aesthetics and 8) Perceived Quality. Research
objects were citizen of Petogogan Row Village consisted of 40 respondents.
Evaluation result suggested that Petogogan Row Village at performance dimension
is at proper-use level, in Features dimension there is satisfaction on current houses’
model, reliability dimension perceived by the row village’s residents is at
quite good level, no problem at aesthetics dimension regarding the available
building however aesthetics problem arose because of the residents’ behavior,
durability dimension discovered that current residents have plan to stay even
more than 20 years, this indicates the success of this aspect. Serviceability
of Petogogan Row houses, from the research result is good, and able to show
easiness of product quality. Generally conformance dimension has been in
accordance with the specification required by the consumers. From perceived
quality dimension up to research result the ability of Petogogan Row Village has
been good, but still needs to be conducted a research with a longer period.
Generally Petogogan Row Village has suggested a good quality for housing, but
it is necessary to conduct an improvement on certain details, at dimension that
has been measured by using product quality method.
Keywords : quality
product, row village, housing
Jakarta was chosen as a part
of 100 Resilient Cities Network, this condition could happen because of Governor strong commitment, in building citiy
resilience in social, economic, and environmental aspects, followed a proactive
and innovative approach in addressing these challenges. One of the programs
that are Row Kampung Arrangement Program
which located in Petogogan, South Jakarta.
other hand, Leaman (2005) in his study in England stated that generally
main issue of building is at the building that does not work properly for its
user. There is only about one-third of new building produce positive
productivity for its user. Second is the use of energy at operational buildings
contributes about 45% carbon dioxide emission in England. The third one is most
of property benefits at market commercial does not come from the building
itself, but from the increase of land value and redevelopment which generating
user’s density. Briefly it means there are three (3) significant aspects in
building namely Function, Energy, and Economic aspects.
POE or often called as Post Occupancy Evaluation. Term of POE
itself according to Watson (2003) is a systematic evaluation concerning
argument/opinion of the use of building from the building users itself. POE
alone initially is used to asses function aspect.
POEs generally is aimed to
deliver buildings’ parameter variable/indicator. The collection of POE data is usually
conducted in actual and based on relevant parameter in every building stage
cycle. A study conducted by POE Watson (2003) in Marlborough Technology Center
School, New Zealand discovered that the center succeeded in encouraging student
to learn and produce key recommendation for the future.
A study related to post
occupancy evaluation has been done many. Ilham (2008) observed initial
occupancy stage condition and post occupancy of Mojosongo residential in Solo Indonesia, to assess initial occupancy stage
condition and post occupancy of Mojosongo residential and housing units in
Solo. Research result suggested that had been occurred a change of housing and
residential in Mojosongo toward a better direction. Standard housing construction
that less fulfilled at the beginning of occupancy consisted of: (1) building
area, (2) window’s width, as well as (3) ceiling height. Whereas residential’s
facilities and infrastructures that were not fulfilled namely clean water, and
utilization of open space. Facilities that meets proper criteria for a
residential unit and healthy environment, such as floor material, ceiling, availability
of enough green open space, proper facilities up to low building density at
initial occupancy stage. Looking at a good housing condition at initial post
occupancy condition, this proves that Low Cost Housing is not a city threat.
Provision of Low Cost Housing can be made as an alternative solution for livable
housing shortage in Surakarta city.
Post Occupancy Evaluation has
also been conducted by Irawan (2009) who observed objects at flats in Jakarta.
Research result suggested that (1) the necessity over room type rapidly
developed in several development periods, it seen from various room programs,
(2) width of housing unit is increasingly large, based on provision that the
smallest unit is 30 m2 with 2 (two) bedrooms, the necessity of unit area also
needs to be noted adjusted to different resident targets and adjusted with needs
of room of the resident target such as factory workers/students or small/medium
family that only need multipurpose room for their housing units. (3) positioning
of space zone in several periods does not have any drastic change, positioning
of space zone at housing unit has met criteria in space arrangement standard, (4)
type of materials are getting better based on several periods, only at certain
parts the use of materials has not met one criteria, including finishing for
rooms in housing unit and (5) flat building’s design and façade are getting
better, hence it may improve the flat’s image. Furthermore to improve negative
perception on the flats this can be recommended including: (1) attempts to
produce a more dynamic and imaginative form, (2) selects low maintenance building
materials (3) processes the material selection into a more interesting material
and has an aesthetic value.
POE study which has a relation
with social aspect has been observed by several experts despite it focused more
to environment. Sodok (2008) stated that emerges socio-technic perspective aspect
at research fostered area. Cole et al. (2008) stated that also emerges a more
wide idea of convenient in which therein contains psychological and
socio-culture definition as well as convenient physiological dimension. This is
eventually emerging “interactive adaptation” concept between building and
people. At the same time social practice theory has came playing a more
important role in widening resident’s comprehension, convenience and energy.
(2014) who observed social and technic approach in conducting POE focusing on
interactive adaptation in retrofit in UK in one of his conclusions stated that
social and technic approach will bring a complete POE result and
inter-discipliner science in nature.
Problems Question: How the
evaluation result of post-occupancy of Petogogan Row Village is reviewed from
product quality.
research was conducted start from planning stage, namely by formulating the
research instrument, which was conducted by doing early survey to assignment
provider institution (policy and technology implementation research and
development center), and to building (housing and residential research and
development center), as well as to research area institution (Petogogan
village, South Jakarta
and location of row village development).
survey was conducted by collecting, selecting and sorting the data. These steps
were continued with observations and interviews, and completed with Focus Group
Discussion. Data collection was continued with descriptive analysis using
Product Quality from (Garvin, 1987). In his theory Garvin formulated 8 (eight)
quality categories namely 1) Performance, performance refers to main character
of a product. 2) Features, Features are related to supporting aspect of the performance,
characteristic becomes the supporting supplement of main function. 3)
Reliability, a dimension reflects possibility of dysfunction or error at
specific period. 4) Conformance, Conformance is a level in which product
design and operational character conform to the determined standard. 5)
Durability, Durability is a measure of product age, durability has economic and
technic dimension. 6) Serviceability, serviceability is related to speed,
regulation, competition and improvement easiness. 7) Aesthetics, Aesthetics is
related to subjective dimension of the quality. 8) Perceived Quality, consumers
do not always have complete information related to service attribute; indirect
measure is probably a basis of determination. Systematical variable and
indicator used in research are explained in table 1.
At this writing is also displayed research result at
quantitative aspect only, qualitative research is used to see and draw
conclusion of the research.
Petogogan Row Village is a program of DKI
Jakarta Province Government to revitalize (rearrange and rebuild) slump area
located in Petogogan Village, Kebayoran Baru sub district, South Jakarta
Administrative City.
Petogogan Row Village Development Committee
involves South Jakarta Administrative City Mayor, Petogogan headman, Chief of
RW and RT as well as community leaders. The address of this activity is at Wijaya
I road, Langgar alley RT 008,010,011,012 / RW 05, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta.
The owner of the building is DKI Jakarta Province Government used by Petogogan
citizen (RW 5).
Physical Data of Row Village was row building
form with total area by 5.265 m2 , 2 floors (Type 18 & Type 36) with
total amount of house being repaired was 123 units ( Type 36 : 103 Units &
Type 18 : 20 Units ) and total unit that received medium repaired was 14 units
(RW 05) and 71 units (RW 03).
100 %
75 %
Building Width
18 m2
31,5 m2
Total Unit
A. Description of Local Community
Community’s view in the vicinity of row village
stated that they received in fact desired their area to be arranged like row
village to minimize flood and if later their village to be arranged like row
village, they wanted the width of housing area is added make it wider, not like
a narrow village.
B. Description of Petogogan Row Housing Community
Total built unit at Petogogan Row Village is 137
units namely 200 families. Origin of housing unit inhabitants at Petogogan Row
Village is mostly from Tegal, Brebes and Cirebon. Length of stay of reside in
DKI in average is more that 30 years. All families live in Row Village for 2
years without additional number of residents after the row village was built. Total
inhabitant per unit was around 2 up to 8 people, in average 5 people. Most
residents were entrepreneurs and private workers with average salary by 2.8
million rupiah and average education is Junior High School.
Result and discussion
of post occupation of Petogogan row village is analyzed from eight factors to
measure consumers satisfaction (Gasperz, 1997), in this term is community
living in Petogogan Row Village, consisting performance, feature,
serviceability, perceived quality, reliability, aesthetics, durability, and conformance.
Descriptive Analysis
Performance is a
factor related to functional aspect of a product according to indicator of
table 1. Based on recapitulated data, Petogogan row village residents assessed
that functional aspect of Petogogan row village can be concluded as proper
shown from percentage of proper value by 53.37%. Furthermore, 6.45% respondents
assessed that functional aspect of Petogogan row village was adequate, 4.74% assessed
that functional aspect in Petogogan row village was not adequate, and 14.74% assessed
that functional aspect in Petogogan row village was not exist.
Of nineteen identified
functional aspects, majority respondents assessed that hall facility, gas
network facility, and sport facility was not available in Petogogan row
village. Other terms from observation, interviews, and focus group discussion
result with village official, PUSKIN, and community that can be highlighted in
functional aspect was clothesline availability. Data of questionnaire result
stated that 8 respondents stated clotheslines facility was proper, 15 respondents
stated that clotheslines facility was not proper, and 13 respondents stated
that clotheslines facility was inadequate. Condition in field and from
interview has been conducted together with stakeholders stated that one of
shortages in planning of Petogogan Row Village development was no clothesline
facility. Therefore, beside limited information and interpretation validation
needs to be conducted qualitatively and deeper exploration on functional aspect
If from
data that has been recapitulated in each functional aspect multiplied by Likert
scale to derive functional aspect rank indicating citizen’s satisfaction will
get value of functional aspect satisfaction from the highest to the lowest. To
gain total value of every functional aspect is calculated by using formula:
D1 = Data for adequate value
D2 = Data for proper value
D3 = Data for less proper value
D4 = Data for inadequate value
D5 = Data for none value
total performance calculation result, respondents at Petogogan Row Village
argued that available fire extinguisher gets priority 1 as an adequate
functional aspect. Top five functional aspect considered as adequate by
respondents respectively are fire extinguisher, education, facility maintenance
and public objects, electricity, and bathroom/toilet room facility. From the
interview result, a significant change is perceived by Petogogan row village’s
residents to the bathroom facility which previously not available (before
residents of Petogogan row village carried out their bathroom activities in the
river/helicopter) however, with the existing of Petogogan row village those
activities are done at the bathroom, so it is obvious that the functional aspect
of bathroom/toilet facility receives high satisfaction value.
lowest performance functional aspects is hall facility in which in Petogogan row
village hall as the center for community activities is not available. Five
lowest functional aspects respectively are hall, gas network, Mosque, clothesline,
and sport facilities. According to interview result with many stakeholders stated
that one of shortages in the planning of Petogogan row village development is
unavailable clothesline, so it is obvious that clothesline gets lowest value of
the functional aspect.
From performance data of 40
respondents that had been collected, 52% respondents of Petogogan row village
assessed that from performance side, all available functional aspects is
assessed as proper, 22% less proper, 15% none, 5% not adequate and only 6%
stated the functional facility was adequate. However, overall, the Petogogan row
village residents assessed that of performance side, functional aspects was
assessed as PROPER.
1) From
the observed facilities, 3 facilities have highest satisfaction level is fire
extinguisher, education facility, facility maintenance and public objects; 4 facilities
that have lowest satisfaction level are hall, gas network, mosque, and clothesline.
From housing modification needs, respondents stated the spatial change is more
needed compared to change of the building and the structure. From area service,
accessibility, flat location, and distance from activity center is very
dominant in providing live satisfaction for the row village residents. Whereas
width of housing unit is a thing need to get attention.
is a factor related to choices and its development, in this term is building
design, in which the consumers are faced to design choices and building design
development offered by the developer. Included in feature aspect is change of
room, such as bed room, bathroom, kitchen, terrace; change of building parts
such as window frame, window, door, ceiling, roof; and change of building
structure (column, block and else).
on recapitulation of feature factor of 40 respondents in Petogogan row village,
amounted to 20 people argued that change of room needs to be conducted. This
suggests that the spatial arrangement of Petogogan row village is currently
unable to satisfy residents’ needs. Graphically, proportion of value of respondent
who answer it is necessary or not the need for a change from feature factor is
displayed in Figure 8.
for second and third aspects namely change of building parts and change of
building structure, most respondents argued that current building parts and
structure is quite good no need for a change.
percentage diagram of feature value, can be concluded that 58% respondents
stated that no need for a change of features in other words that they have
quite satisfied with current row house model, and 32% stated it is necessary to
change the feature on row house building at Petogogan row village.
3. Reliability
Reliability is a
factor related to failure level in the use of product. At this reliability
factor was not conducted a deeper analysis since it needed a long period to get
to know the feasibility of the house function itself. This reliability includes
to social, economic and environment factors. Aspects include in reliability
factor among others are harmony (residents activities), tolerance (understanding
tribes, religions, race, and groups differences), way of problem solving in
community, dispute, desire to control others, and desire to gain social
position (ambition among residents).
the explored data, most respondents argued that harmony at Petogogan row
village is quite well. It is suggested from nearly the same demographic
condition from the age (the gap is not too large), residents activity that
routinely held such as routine Qur’an recitation is held every Saturday night,
social gathering actively is held, community service, and physical location of row
villages that close with each other causes the harmony established at Petogogan
row village is good. The good of harmony value established by the residents is
also affecting residents’ tolerance among residents either from religion or
tribe side. Most residents lived in Petogogan row village are originated from
the same area namely Tegal and Cirebon hence for conflict issue between
religions or tribe never take place in Petogogan row village.
aspect related to residents’ reliability at Petogogan row village is ability to
seek a solution if dispute among residents occurred. Based on questionnaires
and interviews data that have been collected, standard guidance regarding
dispute among residents of Petogogan row village is not available. It can be
proven from residents who do not aware of the problem solving procedure,
whether it needs to be solved amicably, on behalf of RT, or under government
(village administrative) institution.
aspect related to reliability is residents’ desire/ambition to gain social
position. Based on data collected qualitatively, almost no resident has
ambition to control others or placing certain position in community. All
community leader selection process is conducted in deliberation. It has become
one of supporting factor of harmony, and tolerance among residents of Petogogan
row village. Therefore, short study that has been conducted concludes that
Petogogan row village residents’ reliability factor has quite well. In-depth
qualitative study and in quite long period are required to assess reliability
factor deeper.
2) Quite
strong social cohesion is proven from research result related to residents
union. Social reliability related to harmony, tolerance, and problem solving is
generally good. Dispute in a family and between families is took place in small
escalation and can be solved in small number of neighbor level. Social jealousy
level is still at medium level, several cases encountered there are jealous
party regarding neighbor’s belonging on certain objects or time (such as holy
day). Desire to get social position in community is relatively low.
4. Aesthetics
Aesthetics is a
factor related to design and packing of product in this term is house. Aspects
that become aesthetic assessment are the aesthetic assessment of oneself
housing unit, and aesthetic assessment of neighbor housing unit (the best and
worst). From direct observation and collected data, majority of Petogogan row
village lacks in maintenance and in creating housing aesthetic condition. This
can be seen from many unused stuffs but it is still placed inside or outside
the house so it makes the house full and untidy. Overall, there is no complaint
related to building aesthetic, instead complaint related to aesthetic comes
from Petogogan row village resident itself because they could not arrange, sort
and select improper goods, or can not be reused.
3) During
survey, which were 2 years after occupying, there were several dissatisfactions
related to occupied building aesthetic, whereas according to respondents’ perception,
the best household was at RT 12, and also encountered an embarrassing case
regarding aesthetic condition of the household.
5. Durability
Durability is a
factor related to product durability or lifetime. In term of housing product
quality it is like the condition of the floor, frame and wall. Term assessed in
this factor is length of stay and social convenient of stay. From collected
data of 40 respondents, majority said that living in row village at present gives
them convenient if compared to prior condition before the row village was built.
Many opinions was expressed by community related to their future whether they
want to stay in row village or moved to other places. There was an argument
saying that next 5 – 10 years they want to move to another place even though at
present they still don’t have any plans where to reside, but there were also
some sayings they want to live forever in row village. However according to
brief data exploration, government with its row village program can be assessed
as successful because many Petogogan row village residents (above 30%) still
wants to live in a long period, at least 20 more years of their lifetime.
6. Serviceability
Serviceability is a
factor related to easiness of the product quality. If it is associated with
housing product such as facilities and infrastructure, as well as location
factor. Aspects assessed for serviceability factor are flat location, accessibility,
and distance from the city center, lease provision, lease retribution, housing
unit width, lighting, and air circulation. Based on research result, 70%
respondents argued that row village location is strategic, 65% argued that
location accessibility with activity place is closed considering Petogogan
location is closed with Jakarta city center, 97% argued that lease provision is
very easy and cheap (92%), 50% argued that the width of housing unit is very
lacking, 63% argued that the lighting is enough and 48% argued that air
circulation in Petogogan row village is quite good. Overall, Petogogan row
village location is strategic and close to city activity center, however most
respondents are also argued that the width of housing is very lacking even
though the lighting and air circulation for them are enough.
7. Conformance
Conformance is
related to product conformity level on specification that has been set
beforehand based on consumer’s desire. Related to this measure factor, the
fulfillment standard of modest housing quality type 36 that has been set either
for product quality factor, building design, as well as facility and
infrastructure by related party are parts of this measure factor. Aspect
assessed in conformance factor is an effort to improve economic and social
welfare. From collected data most of Petogogan row village residents want to
improve their economic welfare. One of things they want to do is by
entrepreneurship. In addition, the government has also provided supports in
order to assist economic condition of Petogogan row village residents one of
them is by rice distribution.
8. Perceived Quality
Perceived Quality is a factor
related to quality perceived by consumers, for an instance is to improve self
esteem, and moral. In this research did not conduct a measurement on this
factor due to limitation of measurement limitation, however several aspects
that will be measured related to perceived quality is manager service, residents
union, socialization and marketing, regional government participation, security
factor, and cleanliness factor. Based on research result, 70% Petogogan row
village residents assess that management service is good, 77% assesses that
residents union has been accommodated, 90% also argues that socialization and
marketing has been good considering Petogogan row village often receives
visitation from government institution, 70% argues that regional government
participation has been good, and majority of them agreed that by living in row
village makes community’s life safer and cleaner. Things needs to be
highlighted from security aspect, based on interview with residents in
Petogogan row village at present is motorcycle theft. Petogogan row village is
also often used as place as place for fugitive if there is a commotion action.
Therefore, a long term research needs to be conducted to analyze perceived
regarding provision of drinking water is also emerged, because before from the
groundwater or wells its continuity is smooth and cheap cost, but now it is
often jammed and water dues increased to 10 fold to pay local water company. Certificate
ownership legality issue becomes important issue for the row village.
settlement infrastructure before Row Kampung Arrangement Program is in bad
condition. Access to sanitation, clean water, roads, drainage is very limited.
This condition affects people who live in this neighborhood. Row Kampung
Arrangement Program increase region resilience in social, economic, and
environmental aspects. For example, in social aspects, relationship between
citizens become more harmonious after arrangement program, Kampung condition
become more safer, no more motor vehicles theft accident. In environment
aspects, some significant changes could be seen. In economic aspect is
characterized by small business units emergence where small restaurant, grocery
store, laundry, and other business units.
research result of post occupation evaluation of Petogogan row village in
Jakarta, by using product quality method, is derived result per dimension
namely performance at proper-use level. From Features dimension, obtained
result stating no need change of features or there are satisfaction with
current row house building model. Reliability dimension perceived by row
residents is at level quite good. Aesthetic dimension of Petogogan row house,
stated that there is no issues of available building, however aesthetic issues
emerges because the residents’ behavior itself. Durability dimension, found out
that current residents have a plan to stay even more than 20 years, this
suggests the success of this aspect. Serviceability of Petogogan row house from
research result has been good, and able to show easiness of product quality.
Generally conformance dimension has been suited with specification required by
the consumers. From quality perceived dimension up to research result reported
that Petogogan row village ability has been good, however research with along
period still needs to be conducted.
Petogogan row village has shown a good quality for housing product, but it
still needs improvement on certain details, at dimension that has been measured
by using product quality method.
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